Faery Reading

So I had a reading the other day, and it was amazingly accurate. I'm amazed that it was so accurate, but at the same time, I'm not...because I'm not very hard to figure out, for the people I let close enough to see me. 

Anyway, the complete reading is too long to really post here, but I'm going to post the link here anyway, since it is much easier to understand it when you can read the complete reading from start to finish, instead of me babbling about it. You can read at your leisure. :) 

Anyway, here goes my reaction to my first reading since probably high school.

The deck that was used was the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle deck, which I hadn't seen before. The graphics and details of the pictures on the cards were fantastic and realistic, which I hadn't really thought about much until after the reading was complete. The pictures really matched what the cards were.

The first card represents the Past - My Past. The Storykeeper was the card drawn, and it landed upside down. This is significant, because this card comes when she is listening and waiting for what you want your story to be. In reverse form, this card is saying that I refuse to believe I am in charge of my life and destiny, that I am not recording the significant moments in my life and I am not sharing these stories with others. This is very true. Who wants to read the ramblings of a women in her early 30s who should know not to do or expect the things she does, yet does it anyway? 

This card was the first sign that this reading was unlike anything I had experienced before, since it started out true to how I feel. I want others to know me, but I don't like to tell them about me, because I fear the repercussions of putting my honest and true life out there for all to see. There are so many aspects of myself that I keep hidden from all except the select few who have shown they do not judge, they will not leave, they will not condemn me for my past. 

From this card, I can learn that I must not fear my writing, sharing my story, what I have to say. I need to learn to write about the experiences I have had, both good and bad, the wisdom I have learned from everything I have endured. I can change my future and I can write out what I want it to be. I can learn from the stories of others and seek out the magickal tales of myth and legend to create what I wish to manifest into my life.

The second card represents the Present - My Present. Gossamer Princess was drawn, also in reverse. This card represents a decision about the relationships I have in my life. A time when relationships are hanging on tenderly by a thread that must either be rewoven into something stronger or cut. This card in reverse shows that some relationships in my life are keeping me from reaching my goals and my purpose, whatever I choose that to be.I am holding on to some relationships out of the fear that if I let them go, I will fail.

This card shows me that I feel that my relationships define me, both in my personal life and my professional life. My goals and future could be held back by the unhealthy relationships I keep in my life, simply out of the fear of what may happen if I let go. If I choose to keep some relationships and rebuild them into something healthy an beneficial, I must take responsibility for my part in the tangled and weak web, my part of the relationship. Consider what I need from the relationship and make the necessary changes to support reaching for my ultimate goals. 

The third card represents the Future - My Future. Three Graces. This card shows three maiden faeries dancing together hand in hand before the moon. This card was also drawn in reverse, which makes three cards in reverse form. This card in reverse symbolizes that I have had experiences that have affected my ability to trust others at work, that I may feel negative energies and experiences in the workplace. All of that has caused me to feel like I can't find other to befriend, others who are trustworthy and honest, people I can rely on. 

The Three Graces are here to assist me in finding like-minded friends to work with and spend time with. This may not be the people I directly work with, but could also be someone who I meet while at work. If I open my sight to them at this time, I am easily and effortlessly able to find and connect with them. It is time to explore these new friendships and business opportunities with friends and overcome the mistrust I have of sharing with others. 

The fourth card represents the First Quarter of the Year. The Unicorn and the Maiden are messengers - The maiden is the messenger of the material world and the unicorn is the messenger of the ethereal world. They protect and care for one another. This card, again, was drawn in reverse. This card in reverse is telling me that I misunderstand my own power, my ability to have peaceful change, and provide amicable solutions to challenges that I face. I feel alone, unsafe, and unsure of my visions and psychic messages. I feel unsure of the purity and reliance of these messages and if they can be trusted. I feel as if I must hide, that I am unsafe, such as the unicorn may at times hide because of the strong abilities he holds. This card tells me that I am too strong and powerful and feel as if there are those who want to destroy these gifts, take them from me and make me weaker.

This card hit me hard at the reading, because I admit, I have not been taking proper care of myself and my abilities. Whether you, the reader, believe in the magickal .world or not, I do. And I have known for a while that my chakras have been misaligned for a long time, but have not had the energy really put in the effort to change the things I know I need to. I have not been doing what I should, I have not been eating properly. I have not been sleeping well. I have not been drinking what I should. I have neglected by physical form as well as my mental form. I need to purify and open my mind to the cosmic messages that are bombarding me, trying to get through to me. I have had many many headaches and pains in my third eye chakra, meaning I have been blocking these messages in my subconscious to the point of creating pain. 

This card allows me the opportunity to really face up to the realization that these pains will just keep happening until I take the healthier options. Drink more water, not so many energy drinks. Choose the healthier options, not the easy ones. Take the time to ground myself and find new energy.

The fifth card represents the Second Quarter of the Year. The Silver Sisters are not here in kind. They are here to warn of malice and attack on me by others. My energy field is ridden with daggers and thorns thrown at me by others. I am hurt by the hurtful words and gossips. Each time they say something to me or about me, I am hurt and weakened by it. I feel sad, hurt, or unworthy. This card was also drawn in the reverse. 

In reverse, this card signifies that I don't understand just how much of an impact someone has on me. How their words and actions can, and do, affect me. I feel as if I should be tough and take the abuse, feeling like I am too sensitive and weak to admit how I feel about the words and actions of others. I feel inadequate, useless, unworthy, unloved, rejected, and these feelings have penetrated my energy shields and poisoned my thoughts and mind. I feel as if I can't overcome the obstacles I face in life because others think I can't. I am easily influenced by others against my true self's judgement. Feeling as if I am a bad person when really I am not. I am a perfect, loving, kind, compassionate, faithful, loyal child of the Goddess. 

I need to search my own mind and heart for times when I succumbed to gossip and toxic thoughts, about myself and others. Commit to not indulging in gossip and hurtful words and thoughts against myself and others. Take the time to build my protective shields and ground and balance them each day. Remove the daggers and thorns to heal the damage they have left. Commit to positive thoughts about myself and be patient and kind.

The sixth card represents the Third Quarter of the Year. This card, as is the running trend of this reading, was drawn in reverse. Snail's Pace represents the need to slow down in life. Observe animals in their natural environment. Watch the trees move in the wind. Watch the clouds pass by as the ants work around their homes. See how everything moves at it's own pace, stopping when it wants to or needs to. 

This card shows I have the right to take a time-out from life. I have the right to slow down and decompress, to just sit in silence and take the time I need to recharge. When I don't do this, I grow resentful, angry, depressed, or overly tired. I own my life. I need to take charge of it and call a time-out to balance myself. The reverse of this card shows that I push myself too hard and too much. I feel guilty of even thinking about taking the time to slow down and do something for myself. But even that guilt doesn't begin to compare to how guilty I feel when I tell others no and demand that time for myself. I am afraid of saying no.

I need to make demands of myself to take the time to slow down and watch, observe. With the great amount of other responsibilities in my life, it is more important now than before to remind myself that it is ok to say "no" to people and do what is best for me. This card reminds me to lay down with the Earth and talk to nature, the way I used to as a little girl, hanging out in the woods all day without a care in the world. 

The seventh card represents the Fourth Quarter of the Year. Secret Doorway is the first card that was not drawn in the reverse. This card represents that I must be humble and willing to learn a new way of life during my transformation and journey this year. As I discover who I am, I will look at the world with a new sight and new stride. I will be able to acknowledge the pollution of the human world, but be able to manage around it without harm to myself or others. I will find my life's purpose begins to come into focus and I will be better able to follow my goals to fruition. I will be able to find my place in the world and fill that space with the light of my wisdom, messages, hope, loyalty, and creativity. 

This card being drawn in the right face represents being able to see change ahead, but not sure how to deal with it. In order to learn something new and master the changes ahead, I must forget what i thought I knew, and be as a child, learning again what my path holds. 

These cards may be drawn in separate quarters of the year, but they all work together. The time frame may signify the time when I am truly ready to start that phase of my transformation. With my life and responsibilities, it is sometimes hard for me to focus on myself. I put up the fences of not needing anyone, not wanting to be with anyone, because I am terrified of rejection. The few times I have put myself out there and attempted to connect with someone. it has not worked out. Which has led me to believe that I am not worthy of being with someone, that I am destined to live life alone. But it is those thoughts exactly that have caused me  to shut the world away. I don't trust people, because I focus my past experiences on new people. I project my past bad experiences on fresh new people and that isn't fair, to me or to them. 

I know what I have to work on now. I know what the Fae have in store for me will come to me when I am ready and no longer focused so hard on the things that are negative. Once I clear the negative thoughts and messages from my mind and thoughts, I will be able to receive what the Fae are waiting to show me. I have lost the path I was on years ago, due to many reasons. But I must take this time to do what is needed of me, in order to overcome these hardships. 

With love and light, this next year will be a trial, with great rewards.

Blessed Be. 


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