
Showing posts from 2015

I'm offensive?!

Exactly....too many people are thin skinned fucktards who want everyone to walk on eggshells n not speak their mind because someone, somewhere, MIGHT be offended. Well, I'm sorry if I offend you with speaking the truth and not caring who I offend. If I offend you with the truth, then you are lying to yourself and that, my friends, cannot be anyone's fault but your own. Take ownership of the stupid shit you do and say. If someone calls you out on it, accept it and move the fuck on! I am tired of people making comments about things, only to act offended when someone shows them facts proving they were wrong. I am tired of people worrying about offending someone. You know who should be offended? Every military veteran, police officer, firefighter, and basic human being who is forced to listen to and read all the ridiculous 'black lives matter' horseshit that has taken over the media. How about 'all lives matter'? Or maybe we should just stop publicizing the dark

It is tough...

Sitting at the breakfast table, listening to dad tell yet another one of his stories about truck driving where, inevitably, it comes out that he knows everything and the guys loading or unloading his truck are morons....I suddenly get the urge to scream "NO ONE CARES!" Because, in reality, no one does... But grams and dad are good for each other. Dad likes to retell stories and grams can't remember what she hears, almost as soon as she hears it. It's just the rest of us able-minded people who get irritated and wish we could have the remote from Click so we can mute or fast-forward the same stories every day. I don't mean to sound heartless, but Alzheimer's doesn't take its toll on its patients. They can't remember what is happening to them. Alzheimer's takes its toll on the close family of the patient, who deal with it daily and can't find support groups or even just support from other, extended family, mainly because we are afraid of telling


Men...can't live with them, can't have babies without them.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to meet someone who lives near me, "the one" that every seems to think is out there. I may have a knight in shining armor, but he's probably stuck in a tree somewhere. Or lost cuz he refuses to stop n ask for directions.  Honestly, I have met a few (like 2) men online in various places that I would love to meet in person and see if we click the way we do online. Maybe I'm a fool for thinking someone I meet online won't be different in person. But I can't see spending months talking to someone, only to be "catfished". I like to think I am a better judge of people than that. But...with the way people are these days, I might be completely wrong in my assessment of people.  Idk...I would like to believe that there is someone out there for me. But I also sometimes feel like I've met that person already and the moment has passed. It seems

Gay Marriage

Well, since every new outlet in the country has been blaring about the Gay Marriage vote, I figured I might as well put my thoughts into the mix.  1) I personally do not care if you are gay or lesbian (but doesn't 'gay' cover both males and females? So that's like saying I don't care if you're gay or gay'.) Anyway... 2) Whether you personally are gay or support gay marriage or not, who the hell cares? Being gay is kinda like being a Bible-Thumper...if you don't try to push your views on me to get me to change to be like you, then I don't care who you are or who you sleep with.  3) Besides, this country was based on the foundation of pursuing your own happiness. So, if plowing another male's rear makes you happy, more power to ya! If sleeping with a woman and wrapping your hands around her supple waist while she nuzzles your chest, more power to you! (I can only describe the female part as well as I can because I have never been a man,

I need a future, not an existence

So...this is gonna be a long one, so bear with me :) This is just a little bit about me. I used to have a different blog,  Kat's Rants  that unfortunately didn't work out. I got busy with life and have abandoned that blog, for various reasons. That being said, I decided to start this blog as a way to blow off steam while I try my hardest to quit smoking, try not go absolutely insane while I try to quit smoking (for the millionth time, or so it feels), and try not to go into a homicidal rampage. Not that I actually would, since I hate stripes and I look like hell in orange. But...there have been times when I was really tempted. Anyway, Just an introduction. I currently live in Hell's Waiting Room, a.k.a. Florida. I moved here almost 2 years ago, mainly to get away from someone who really was toxic for me. It took me a while to understand that, but there it is. And I couldn't be happier, knowing he won't be bothering me any time soon. I am the mom of 2 beautif