Gay Marriage

Well, since every new outlet in the country has been blaring about the Gay Marriage vote, I figured I might as well put my thoughts into the mix. 

1) I personally do not care if you are gay or lesbian (but doesn't 'gay' cover both males and females? So that's like saying I don't care if you're gay or gay'.) Anyway...

2) Whether you personally are gay or support gay marriage or not, who the hell cares? Being gay is kinda like being a Bible-Thumper...if you don't try to push your views on me to get me to change to be like you, then I don't care who you are or who you sleep with. 

3) Besides, this country was based on the foundation of pursuing your own happiness. So, if plowing another male's rear makes you happy, more power to ya! If sleeping with a woman and wrapping your hands around her supple waist while she nuzzles your chest, more power to you! (I can only describe the female part as well as I can because I have never been a man, so I'm not sure what goes through your head)

4) We, as humans, are set to evolve. We are always learning and teaching, growing and making lives better. At least, that's how it should be. So if you find yourself being attracted to a man while you ride the subway into work every day, don't hate yourself. Humans were not meant to be monogamous and variety is definitely the spice of life. 

So experiment a little. Don't let closed minded people dictate how you should live your life. If it makes you happy and doesn't break any laws, then go for it. Personally, I am bi and I don't care who knows it. I prefer men over women most of the time, but no man can compare with how supple and soft a woman is in all the right places. 

Now, if anyone has a problem with gay marriage being passed nationwide, just think to yourself "now there is someone who is afraid of being found out". Because I have learned over the years that almost every person I have met who has come out of the closet, has gone through the anger phase, being angry at or about others like themselves, because they are terrified of coming out. Now, not everyone is like that, mind you. However, there are plenty that worry about coming out to family and friends because it is hard to do, and as such, they go through bouts of being angry and depressed. It is hard to finally give up the disguise and be yourself, the self that you hide for so long because you are gay or a lesbian. Or even a straight male/female in a marriage that isn't happy. When you can finally tell the truth and get all the worries and anger out of your system and be the person you want to be, instead of the person everyone else wants you to is a fantastic release. Being gay shouldn't stop you from doing what you love. If you are met with resistance, then whomever is resisting you does not fully understand you. And might never be willing to see past your sexual orientation and see the beautiful person you really are.

Anyone who isn't willing to see you for you and not some idea that society and the media has relentlessly driven into the minds of the masses, does not deserve you in their lives. It is far better to be alone than to be around people who do not treasure you for the simple fact that you are you. 

And while this blog may be called A Little Bit of Me, it will cover just about anything that pops into my head. 



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