
Men...can't live with them, can't have babies without them. 

Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to meet someone who lives near me, "the one" that every seems to think is out there. I may have a knight in shining armor, but he's probably stuck in a tree somewhere. Or lost cuz he refuses to stop n ask for directions. 

Honestly, I have met a few (like 2) men online in various places that I would love to meet in person and see if we click the way we do online. Maybe I'm a fool for thinking someone I meet online won't be different in person. But I can't see spending months talking to someone, only to be "catfished". I like to think I am a better judge of people than that. But...with the way people are these days, I might be completely wrong in my assessment of people. 

Idk...I would like to believe that there is someone out there for me. But I also sometimes feel like I've met that person already and the moment has passed. It seems more likely that I met him already, missed the moment, and now, all the men that are attracted to me are married. I'm not a homewrecker, but if your husband is out looking for someone, you didn't do your job at home to keep him happy there. That's my thought on it. Don't be mad at me that your hubby is trying to dip his stick in my pond. Be mad at yourself for not keeping your pond available and loving for him. 


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