I need a future, not an existence

So...this is gonna be a long one, so bear with me :)

This is just a little bit about me. I used to have a different blog, Kat's Rants that unfortunately didn't work out. I got busy with life and have abandoned that blog, for various reasons.

That being said, I decided to start this blog as a way to blow off steam while I try my hardest to quit smoking, try not go absolutely insane while I try to quit smoking (for the millionth time, or so it feels), and try not to go into a homicidal rampage. Not that I actually would, since I hate stripes and I look like hell in orange. But...there have been times when I was really tempted.

Anyway, Just an introduction. I currently live in Hell's Waiting Room, a.k.a. Florida. I moved here almost 2 years ago, mainly to get away from someone who really was toxic for me. It took me a while to understand that, but there it is. And I couldn't be happier, knowing he won't be bothering me any time soon.

I am the mom of 2 beautiful daughters, aged 12 (OMG) and 2.5 years. My oldest lives in Wisconsin with her father, for many reasons. The main reason being that I was an idiot when I was younger and was not the mom I should have been. Unfortunately, I am not able to talk to her and haven't in years. Not for a lack of trying on my part, but I cannot control the mail once the letters leave my mailbox.

My youngest daughter, Mini-Me, is such a joy. I don't want to gush about her all the time, because all parents do, and it wouldn't be fair to my oldest, who isn't here for me to gush about. Both my children are extremely smart and pretty, too smart and cute for their own good. A deadly combination, smart and cute.

I currently live with my youngest daughter, my older brother, my father, and my grandmother, who is my father's mother. She has Alzheimer's and possibly a touch of something else, We haven't convinced her that it would be best to get tested or at least talk to the doctor and get a second opinion,. The first opinion being, of course, herself, since she knows more than the doctor. But I digress.

Where was I?

Oh yes, I remember. I currently have a business degree, which has found me Fk all in terms of jobs down here in the Sunshine State. I just enrolled in a phlebotomy course, which finishes mid-July, to try to get my career in gear and stop hopping from job to job. I need a future, not an existence. I have the online requirements completed, a full 2 weeks before I needed them. Because I'm just that good. :) But I"m mostly nervous about finding a position as a phlebotomy tech once I get my certification and national test. But that's something I can take one day at a time and tackle as it comes.

My personal life...now that's something that is interesting and boring in the same breathe. I haven't been on a date since I moved to Florida. I know, that's a long time! I never really went on dates when I lived up north either. I don't really like too many people. However, I have not been without people to talk to. I have "met" plenty of people through a game I have played for over a year on my phone. It's the only release I get from life, since I very rarely drink, I don't do drugs, and I am trying my hardest to stay smoke-free. Anyway, most of the people I have met are just casual friends. We talk in the game or on the off-line chatting app but none of them are really anyone I would want to actually meet outside of the game.

Although there is one...

But I'll save that story for another time. Maybe. I don't want to release too much info, as I'm not sure who, if anyone, will see this. Gladly, I refuse to post names of anyone, even if someone were to guess correctly who I blog about.

Mainly, this blog will be about whatever I want it to be about. Wine I drink. Books I read. Cute things my daughter says or does. Complications and frustrations with life. Feel free to comment or contact me whenever you like. I enjoy chatting with people I may never meet. :)

Til we meet again....in the blog-o-sphere



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