I'm offensive?!

Exactly....too many people are thin skinned fucktards who want everyone to walk on eggshells n not speak their mind because someone, somewhere, MIGHT be offended.

Well, I'm sorry if I offend you with speaking the truth and not caring who I offend. If I offend you with the truth, then you are lying to yourself and that, my friends, cannot be anyone's fault but your own.

Take ownership of the stupid shit you do and say. If someone calls you out on it, accept it and move the fuck on! I am tired of people making comments about things, only to act offended when someone shows them facts proving they were wrong.

I am tired of people worrying about offending someone. You know who should be offended? Every military veteran, police officer, firefighter, and basic human being who is forced to listen to and read all the ridiculous 'black lives matter' horseshit that has taken over the media.

How about 'all lives matter'? Or maybe we should just stop publicizing the dark skinned idiots and their actions. Maybe when they stop getting attention for their idiotic actions, they'll stop making fools of themselves.

You want to know why blacks have a bad reputation among a lot of people? It's not because they are bad people. I've met some extremely smart and capable black people. It's because they do stupid shit....like tell their kids that they don't have to listen when a teacher tells them to do something. It's because they tell their kids that acting 'hood' will get them friends and 'street cred'. When, in reality, it won't get them anything but welfare. No company wants to hire someone, white, black or yellow, who cannot articulate the answers to interviews questions without using the terms 'my boys', 'my niggas', or whose only work experience is selling weed to his neighbors.

Yes...I understand this is a lot of generalizations. It is things I have seen and heard and experienced firsthand, both at work and 10 years ago in college. Society expects us to walk around afraid....afraid to speak our minds for fear of offending someone. Afraid to speak up when someone is beating the shit out of an innocent homeless woman, because we're afraid they might beat us too. Afraid to discipline our children and teach them right from wrong because someone with no kids might decide that we're too harsh and take our kids away...only to give them to a foster home where the only thing the foster parents care about is how much money the state is giving them for each kid they take in.

Quite frankly, if I go a day without offending someone with something I've said, I feel I haven't done my job as a rational, thinking, observant human. Why should I worry about my child being bullied in school when I've taught her to be nice and accept everyone, even if they're different. Why should I have to bite my tongue when someone else decides that speaking up and spouting his/her idiotic rhetoric like a 3 yr old with the flu is acceptable? They can spew their hate, but I cannot speak my mind in return?

Where is the line between free speech and hate speech drawn?


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