*Public Service Announcement* (Proceed with Caution) Work Ethic, part 2

Let me start by saying, if anything I say here offends you, please kindly piss off! I do not care if I offend anyone. In fact, I'M offended that everyone gets offended so easily! That being said, I do not set out with all certainty to offend anyone. Usually, it just happens. Something I say will offend someone, usually because it is the truth. So I say, Button Up, Buttercup! Put on your big girl panties and deal with it like an adult! Life is full of disappointments and if you haven't figured that out by the time you reach your teen years, you are sadly unprepared for adulthood!

So, on to why I'm really writing today....People of my generation have no work ethic! And I am sick and tired of people complaining about having to actually do their jobs! *gasp* How dare someone expect you to do what you were hired (or promoted) to do?! That's just ludicrous!

There have been plenty of times when I wish it was okay for me to tell people they are stupid and should just pull their bottom lip up over their head, swallow....and thus, save the rest of the world from their idiocracy. 

Case in point....I was recently informed that I was to be given a promotion that I have been busting my ass for (and at times, other body parts, largely due to me being a world class klutz). Someone else I work with currently has the position that I will be promoted to, and lets just say.....that person was solely unprepared for adulthood. Can't keep their cell phone on for more than 2 weeks, and hasn't had one for more than a month. (Can't very well be the assistant manager and manage a store in the store manager's absence when you can't even manage your own finances!) Can't show up to work on time, which sets the bad example for the rest of the employees, who think it is ok to just come and go as they please. They call me the Stalker at work, because I am always at least 15 minutes early, and I do mean ALWAYS. In 11 months of working there, I have been late exactly one time, and that was because the power had gone out while I spelt and my alarm hadn't gone off. But that was ONE time! ONE TIME, months ago! The current assistant manager can't seem to get to work on time on any day. Then, (my favorite part is coming......) they leave at the same scheduled time, or even earlier!

So, it is perfectly acceptable to come in up to two and a half hours late, and still leave at your normal time! Who knew.....Cuz I must have missed that memo when the common sense fairy came around!

Oh, I almost forgot the best part! They leave early, and then....when it's payday or a few days before the next payday....we all get to hear about how they don't have any money! Well, so sorry, sugar tits.....but you can't get paid for the hours you aren't at work! *gasp* It's amazing, the concept of actually showing up on time, doing your work, and being paid for those hours. 

But these people don't get that! They don't get it at all. I spend every day running myself into the ground to get everything done that these people refuse to do. They can walk past the same pile of garbage 6 times in an hour and leave it for someone else to clean up. They can look at the expiration dates for products, and still leave it in the cooler for someone else to remove and write off. Now, I know what ya'll are thinking by this time.....that I'm just a rude cunt for calling out people like this, that maybe my co-workers are slow or that I'm a perfectionist and everything has to be done by way or I'm not happy. But that's not it at all. The things I'm doing are not above and beyond what the company asks everyone to do. It is not anything that these people haven't done before, the correct way. NOTHING I DO IS ANYTHING THAT NO ONE ELSE CAN DO. Nothing I do on a daily basis is anything that is too complicated for anyone else to do. 

And yet, they can't do it. WHY, I ask you. WHY?! 

Why, when I have 2 days off, do I come back to a store that has nothing done? Food isn't rotated. Or labeled. Nothing is stocked. In fact, we usually end up with even more overstock product in the back room. And I do enjoy most of my job. I just cannot handle being the only one who does anything for 8 hours a day besides flap her gums. I enjoy talking and flirting as much as the next Libra, but come on, people...JUST DO YOUR DAMN JOB!

Ya'll want to know why I'm always there, why I almost always have overtime, why everyone calls me to come in when ya'll don't show up for your shift? I'll give you a hint....it's not because I stand around complaining. IT IS BECAUSE I AM A FINISHER! I can start a job, and actually finish it! I can see what needs to be done, and how much time I have before I have to leave for the day, and know that I can get it done. And get it done the way the company wants it done, not the way you think it should be done because you're too lazy to do it right!

Life isn't this hard! I can't tell if these people are too stupid to do this job (a job which someone could easily train a monkey to do more accurately than these people). Or if they are just that smart that they know how to do enough things half-assed enough so that no one asks them to do it again. 

Common sense
Work ethic
Time management


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