Dating in My 30's

Dating in my 30's.....This may take a while to explain

My thoughts on dating in your 30s.....I am too damn old for high school games. Give me someone who can actually hold a conversation past the first few minutes,  past the niceties. Show me someone who goes against what society thinks and actually speaks their mind. (gasp!) Honesty and loyalty and trust are very scarce these days. 

And I don't care what someone looks like. If we click, we click. Looks fade but personality is everything. I work full time plus help care for my ailing grandmother, and I have a 4 year old at home. So no, I don't have much time to date or hang out n chill. (Netflix n chill is not on my dating menu) 

But when I make the effort of talking to someone and propose going for dinner or coffee or something, to see if we truly click in person, don't ghost on me. Ain't nobody got time for that! If you want me, tell me. And actually follow through on it! Don't play games to see how long you can string me along and keep me interested, cuz baby......I'm better off alone than playing your childish games!

I see plenty of couples where this all works for them. They enjoy the childish antics and jealous games. But me? I'm sorry. I don't have time to chase after people. If you want me, great! Tell. Me. I do not take hints very well, nor do I have time to decipher the little things you say. 

If you just want to be friends because you find me 'too amazing to date'  (yes, I have been told that by men and fairly recently), then fine. But don't get all prissy and annoyed when you see me talking to someone else. 

I'm 30. I have responsibilities and a life, a family and a job. (and so much more). I have a lot to offer someone but I refuse to chase after someone and I absolutely hate it when someone shows they're interested, then ghosts on me. 

If you suddenly decide you no longer wish to talk to me, fine. Put on your big boy panties and say something. I won't be offended. Hell, I won't even argue with you! But don't leave me wondering why you suddenly stopped talking to me. 

I admit, I have ghosted on people. I'm not proud of that. But when they just won't take the hint that I'm no longer interested in is hard to have any other choice.  But you can't claim to have no other choice unless you have said to that person (whether in person or in texts or a phone call) 'I am no longer interested in dating you'  (or being with you in whatever way).

But to delete someone off of Facebook or block their number from texting you without any voicing of the issues at hand? Childish. Purely childish. 

Again we're all adults, we're talking about dating in our 30s. Don't be a douche. Don't be a dick and then wonder why you get turned down. Don't expect something from someone who has expressed interest in dating you, only to show them you are exactly like the rest and only want to use that person for your personal benefit! 

Again, we're adults. Why play games? Why expect everyone to meet your expectations when you can't even match them? Don't expect someone to live up to your expectations if you yourself can't hold up to them either. 

Ladies, this one is for you.....don't be a pushover. Don't let him do whatever he wants, then complain to your girlfriends about how he's such an ass. If he irritates you, talk to him. Or better yet, sit down an imagine, really imagine, living with that person and whatever annoying quirk you think they have for the next 50 years. If you can imagine yourself dealing with it and letting it pass like water under the bridge, then great! But if his snoring makes you want to shove tampons up his nose while he's sleeping (not recommended, as a woman in NY state I believe learned the hard way when her husband died n she just wanted him to stop snoring), then maybe he's not the one for you. Unless you prefer sleeping in different rooms. 

But I digress. Simply put, I don't have time for dating. I don't have time for the games. I don't have time for the uselessness of the people I meet. (I'm surprised a lot of them can actually dress themselves on a daily basis). Most of them can't hold a conversation on current events unless it's something they can regurgitate from the news. But they have no opinion that they formed on their own. Whether informed or  not, being able to have your own opinion is fantastic! It makes free speech worth having! But I can't talk to most people. 

I'm either too sarcastic and they can't figure out if I'm being mean or truthful. Or I'm concentrating on something completely different and I have RBF. For those of you that have Resting Bitch Face, you understand. For those of you who don't have this issue, let me explain briefly. 

RBF is when you look all pissed off at the world when your face is in your neutral resting muscle zone. (don't take my word for it. I'm not a doctor!) This causes people to assume (make an ass out of u and me) that you are pissed off, angry, having a bad day, don't want to talk to anyone. 

I have this affliction. It stops me from having useless conversations with most people. I am a very happy person. I am quirky and sarcastic and I love to laugh. I am simply cursed with resting bitch face.  


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