2019 Update

I haven't been keeping up on this blog thing as much as I want to (hello, life!), but now that I have a few moments, let's get an update going, shall we?

My last post was back in May of 2017...the last year and a half have been interesting and boring, all at the same time! Within the last 6 months, I have left my job (I was there almost 3 years and hated most of it), I graduated college 10 years after graduating the first time (this time, with my Bachelor degree in Business Management), and I started a new job that actually utilizes my degree, instead of just blowing smoke.

My new job is in the construction field, with a window and door company. I can't post the name here, for obvious reasons, but I can say that I truly enjoy going to work every day now. I have a set schedule, no one calls me at 3 or 4 am, and when I want to put my phone on vibrate and ignore the world for a few hours, I can! :)

My family moved from the apartment we had to a side-by-side duplex, with a fenced in yard for the dog-o. We downsized a bit, from 2 bed, 2 bath to 2 bed, 1 bath, but we aren't really missing that 2nd bathroom. I just wish we had more storage in the kitchen, as always. (If I ever win the lotto and can design my own home, the kitchen is my top priority!)

The BF and I have had our ups and down, as all good relationships do. But, the best part is, we are adults! We may yell and argue every once in a while, when the stress gets to us, but we are able to sit down (once we've calmed down) and talk about what bothered us in the first place. That's the main condition of a bad relationship....no communication. Or rather, no effective communication. Yelling and screaming is communication, but it doesn't accomplish anything. It should not be a competition of who can yell the loudest, or who can ignore the other person the longest. That's not communication, that's being manipulative and will doom a relationship faster than cheating.

Anyway, I won't get started on a rant about relationships. (If you want to hear my thoughts on relationships, check out my other blog posts). Things have been going well lately (knock on wood). I really enjoy my new job, I have been there 3 months, and it is enjoyable. I like most of the people I work with, and the rest, I just don't know enough about to say whether I like them or not. 😁

All that being said, I find it hard to believe that I am 33 and finally (!!) not hating my job. In fact, this is less of a job and more of a career. (how long does one have to be in their current position before it is considered a "career"? Does anyone know?) All I'm saying is, I could see myself working here and retire from here. It's interesting, rarely the same thing every day, and I do have downtime and slow times throughout the day and week, so I'm not stressed about making sure I have something to eat before going to work.

That's all for now. I don't even know how many people see this (probably none, since my readers have declined since I haven't posted in so long, but to anyone who is reading, HI! 👋 )


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