
Showing posts from August, 2016

Dating in My 30's

Dating in my 30's.....This may take a while to explain My thoughts on dating in your 30s.....I am too damn old for high school games. Give me someone who can actually hold a conversation past the first few minutes,  past the niceties. Show me someone who goes against what society thinks and actually speaks their mind. (gasp!) Honesty and loyalty and trust are very scarce these days.  And I don't care what someone looks like. If we click, we click. Looks fade but personality is everything. I work full time plus help care for my ailing grandmother, and I have a 4 year old at home. So no, I don't have much time to date or hang out n chill. (Netflix n chill is not on my dating menu)  But when I make the effort of talking to someone and propose going for dinner or coffee or something, to see if we truly click in person, don't ghost on me. Ain't nobody got time for that! If you want me, tell me. And actually follow through on it! Don't play games to see ho

Work Ethic part one

So it's been a while since my last post, and I've been thinking, a lot, about work ethic and jobs vs careers. So, here's my thoughts on all that. I currently work in customer service, and there are plenty of times when I wonder if I'm the only one I work with that has more than an ounce of work ethic. I mean, I can see what needs to be done and make time in my shift to actually get it done. But most people are smarter than I am....they can see what needs to be done, figure out how to do it half-assed, so they know that no one will ask them to do it again. If they do it wrong enough times, they know that no one will ask them to do it. They know that someone else will eventually break down and do it for them. We all know what needs to be done, and no one does it. When did it become normal to spend more time trying to figure out ways to get out of doing the work, instead of actually just going and doing the work? When did it become normal to pass the buck on things a

*Public Service Announcement* (Proceed with Caution) Work Ethic, part 2

Let me start by saying, if anything I say here offends you, please kindly piss off! I do not care if I offend anyone. In fact, I'M  offended that everyone gets offended so easily! That being said, I do not set out with all certainty to offend anyone. Usually, it just happens. Something I say will offend someone, usually because it is the truth. So I say, Button Up, Buttercup! Put on your big girl panties and deal with it like an adult! Life is full of disappointments and if you haven't figured that out by the time you reach your teen years, you are sadly unprepared for adulthood! So, on to why I'm really writing today....People of my generation have no work ethic! And I am sick and tired of people complaining about having to actually do their jobs! *gasp* How dare someone expect you to do what you were hired (or promoted) to do?! That's just ludicrous! There have been plenty of times when I wish it was okay for me to tell people they are stupid and should just p