
Showing posts from October, 2019


Ah, relationships. We all have them, we all loathe them at one point or another. I, at the moment, loathe relationships, mainly because mine just ended. At my decision. Almost 3 years with someone, and you think you can't be surprised by his/her actions. Back story...I've been with A since 2016. We met when I was working at a convenience store, and it took him 4 months to work up the courage to find an excuse to give me his phone number. I ended up being the one to ask him for his number, under the guise of needing it for a store customer loyalty program. He doesn't have kids of his own, but he used to be great with my DD - taking care of her while I was at work at night, helping her learn to get dressed, brush her teeth, learn to potty train, etc. But the last year or so, things have been weird between us. And really bad the last month or so. I had a feeling that something that going on, but I couldn't pinpoint what, exactly, was weird. I tried asking him; no respo