
Showing posts from November, 2015

I'm offensive?!

Exactly....too many people are thin skinned fucktards who want everyone to walk on eggshells n not speak their mind because someone, somewhere, MIGHT be offended. Well, I'm sorry if I offend you with speaking the truth and not caring who I offend. If I offend you with the truth, then you are lying to yourself and that, my friends, cannot be anyone's fault but your own. Take ownership of the stupid shit you do and say. If someone calls you out on it, accept it and move the fuck on! I am tired of people making comments about things, only to act offended when someone shows them facts proving they were wrong. I am tired of people worrying about offending someone. You know who should be offended? Every military veteran, police officer, firefighter, and basic human being who is forced to listen to and read all the ridiculous 'black lives matter' horseshit that has taken over the media. How about 'all lives matter'? Or maybe we should just stop publicizing the dark...